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Pilar Pascual


Pilar Pascual, on that day, came dressed and ready to dance. Indeed, pose for us four times every Monday for four hours. As a ticket of appreciation, some students gave her posing drawings.

Above is one of the best pieces about her under the teacher’s request to paint it over Masonite wood. It is a smooth material and works well with brush strokes. But then, in the end, the artist decides what the finish will look like.

The glow within came from another technique based on artificial light. That adeptness has given me new ideas for future techniques I use in landscapes. Everything goes hand in hand; learn anatomy, and you can paint any other object from life.

Moreover, Pilar face is the focal point; the dress is in unison and flows with the rest of her body. Surprisingly, she used to know Vargas, a male dancer friend Who participated [ate with a prominent guitarist called Sabicas.

Moreover, there is something about her subject and the painting. Years have passed, and it feels as if it was painted yesterday.

The oil painting justifies the shades. Its spontaneous quality feels like velvet printed on a plank of aged wood.

We sketched her as a warm-up before the painting, and it would have been better to keep the drawing. Sketches are the best reference for a third study painting in the future.

Also, painting over masonite wood is suitable for achieving a smooth technique. My instructor at the art school suggested using it and gave me tips on how to gesso it—and sand it with the finest sandpaper.

Afterward, the portrait is unique, like the Cante Hondo; it ages like a glass of wine in a barrel as the years pass. Not ready to drink but prepared to be visually digested.


Pilar Pascual

“Pilar Pascual” Oil  on Masonite Wood, 24″ X 18 ” 1995

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Heat is here, and after a year of hibernation due to COVID-19, we are ready to reclaim our freedom. So enjoy an excellent refreshing view. God bless you all.

To begin with, it is a view from the Lower East Side. Watch it from the Brooklyn Heights Promenade, unique on its own. Summer is red hot by six o’clock. Moreover, there is much value in looking at it. Further, a meaningful gift that we have overcome the day.

Hence, enjoyment relies upon relaxing and enjoying today’s achievements. If not, there will be another time, for every day, the experience is different.

Water is one of the significant elements in the world, and so more often artists will dedicate the entire canvas to it. They usually enhance the scene with boats and trees. Or built ambiance with a sunset sky which is calming and relaxing. In addition, there is a three-minute video about this subject. Below is the link. Enjoy the music waving at the palette. Building layers in hazy tones.  Then there is a classification of color with dark tones. That creates a moody atmosphere on the water.

Alongside, the pure red and orange inspired me to create this subject. Afterward, this view brings back the memory of an abandoned place full of tales.
There are many advantages when using a la prima technique. It is unique in terms of direction; It makes you get off from the realism technique and the challenges that come with the composition.


“At The Pier Sunset” 

12″ x 12″ Oil on canvas, 2017


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Documenting Art



Watercolor on bristle paper, 14″ x 17″ 2012

 Documenting these series is direct to actual events and another to visualize a projected image in a cold winter.  

Miles David’s sketches of Spain inspire the title. Further, a masterpiece of jazz came out in 1960. Buildings flowing like a fan recall the wind in the winter. The cadence within the image for New York seems to wave at people, “Hello.”

Documenting Art

The painting above shows one of the challenges of its various cultures. It represents the solid foundation of New York. But as solid as it looks the forms reflect the blue passive moment from a hard day job. As a result, it makes everybody be part of it and create something new, just like his music.

Watercolor is known for being a transparent medium. Also called translucent, it is suitable for constructing forms, shadows, and highlight effects.

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Documenting art


Hurricane Sandy hit Long Island very severely. Houses by the front beach flooded with water up to the second floor. Hearing the news announcing the storm was approaching a minute was scary. Then it hit an electric wire, and I stood there, asking for help inside the house. My mother was taking a shower, and suddenly the light went off. We stood without electricity for the cable for a week, and PSG electrical company did not want to move a line before fixing it. Bureaucracy among these companies never fails when one and the other must take charge. Everything came fast, a hardship memory we remember. These are events transformed into paintings. In the first illustration, blue is a calm color, but it is in chaos. They are waving forms in a circle to depict rage. Its dynamic flow over the watercolor paper. In the end, I’m able to blend these two subjectivity movements.



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