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Forever display a couple in front of the sun inviting us to look at in intricated geometric lines. The floor is the stage, reflection and comfort. This is the first extended idea that started eight years ago, and his content inspired in nature. A new technique emerged, and I expanded through memories. The pale sky reflects a fossil-like fish recreating a shape like an engraving technique. The mirror effect comes from previous experimentation with glass windows. Alternate shapes we can see inside and outside through transparency. Thanks to the metallic marker I succeed in re-creating a flash effect from the front light.

Moreover, the colors are warm, with a few cool tones highlighting a point of rest. Onward, the composition resembles a binary world filled with lot of information to dig into. Likely resembling the subject’s personality and community, full of energy and ground touching. Ever last posing in front of the sun. Technically I easiest details to fade and balance composition having in mind how we perceived information.

By The same token, the psychology of choosing male and female as my subjects comes from our digital era. The constant phone camera shots bridge acceptance as part of society. Security or insecurity resilience does not approve of anybody from creating. As good as just eating food or posing in front of the sun. After all, there is only one Forever shot in our life, to caress for. From now on, anything that is in the present becomes the past. Ultimately, as long as we are contemptuous, the rest doesn’t matter.

Thank you…


Forever 40″ x 30″ Mix media 2025

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Kites are transitioning from Earth to the sky, communication waves. It is a source of releasing our thinking into a creative mindset about expression. Each pattern has six, seven, and eight rectangular forms based on numerology. It points to symbolizing mysticism and spiritual awakening.
The red kites represent change, curiosity, freedom, and adaptability. Reaching the top beyond creates a universe of possibilities. Out there is a vast and quiet world; we long for that peace inside us, away from greed.

Green brings us back to Earth in the forest, and the cord is the connection, for it beholds our soul. It is our curiosity to unveil what’s beyond up there. But then we know our presage is short due to the space chemicals. In the chaos, we have left our institution to go with the spiritual and think of a different portal for a different life. Curiosity is strength, and control is our character. An alerting thought with penitent consequences. Still then again, we fear uncertainty, and the cycle repeats above us.

The kites nurture our souls, reaching prolonged moments that are insatiable. Running away from the cold winter, they disappear and glow in line but then loosen and wave at a time, our life. Nothing is the same. Everything changes. In the end, it does not stay permanent. It is part of our life to fluctuate from one place to another. In short, accepting it makes us receptive and allows us to make mistakes and others the same. Once learned, most transitions fluctuate, just as in this watercolor. There are a lot of kites scraping, and it presages into the unknown.


Kites 14″ x 17″ watercolor 2025

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La Pinata

The pattern’s journey turned into ideas; this was and is a concept in development, and the idea’s impression still exists. The problematic problems of the world without a solution are a never-ending story. It is a painting with political content. In analyzing this painting, the pinata is the peasant hit by the masked person and represents the devil.  It is part of a procession that goes back to medieval times and ancient times by pagans.

It all means by what point of view we want to interpret. Here, the Pinata is in front of the church. Mock rings at the religious in high positions and from being unable to fix the problems. The clown, a significant figure in the painting, is an extension of the social commentary. The people celebrate the food that may come from within. Also, it represents the politicians of high rank who often benefit from the suffering of the peasants.

Inside the creative process, my assistant made a few sketches of mine at my request to work on this idea. Then, I recollected old churches from my pictures and sketches from Ecuador. The Pinata is everywhere in Brooklyn Knickerbocker. There is a Mexican party market where I got my model. I covered his eyes to recreate unawareness toward their people and social bias happening in society. However, it was not as colorful and full of vitality as this one. Moreover, this Pinata and many other series were exhibited at Lehman College as part of my thesis. And nonetheless, a student commented that I repeated the same scene in different views, and I said that it was precisely a series.

All along, the concepts take different paths, such as other points of view in various scenarios. In short, the colors did not change; indeed, they became better and dazzling.


La Pinata

La Pinata

Oil on Canvas 34″ x 34″



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