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Patterns in Art


First, the pattern concept is an underlying structure that organizes surfaces and structures. Consistent drawing, painting, and design are essential to achieving a structured effort in composition. It directs the eye to every single detail in an image. We live surrounded by a world with interlaced designs in different shapes. Although there is no end to it, there is a formula. Alternatively, we learn from nature in the tree’s bark and the waves when the wind blows it. Moreover, it is like looking into space to the infinite.

In the above painting, the mask shield represents different personalities. Its meaning relies on her eyes and the symbols to create clues. At times, she was very relaxed, and hence, in my opinion, I always felt that Majestic was not faithful to who she was. She made these different marriages and broke up relationships from one day to another.  UNDER

In the technical Celtic knots, broken and reconnected plaits are used repetitively. Furthermore, this approach to sketching and painting is ideal for recalling a part of the model’s roots. However, it is always the case that inspiration comes from within the subjects.

Regarding the emotions in each subject, they could sometimes be passive and others sad. Although there is a formula, breaking the system is exciting, for there is a wide range of creativity. It comes with the mood of the person. I just let their eyes take me in their psychic. The rest contain geometric shapes like triangles, cylinders, and flat planes.

In conclusion, though the shielding mask is our protector and enemy, there is no formula for it but true to ourselves.

Patterns in art



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