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Patterns in Art


First, the pattern concept is an underlying structure that organizes surfaces and structures. Consistent drawing, painting, and design are essential to achieving a structured effort in composition. It directs the eye to every single detail in an image. We live surrounded by a world with interlaced designs in different shapes. Although there is no end to it, there is a formula. Alternatively, we learn from nature in the tree’s bark and the waves when the wind blows it. Moreover, it is like looking into space to the infinite.

In the above painting, the mask shield represents different personalities. Its meaning relies on her eyes and the symbols to create clues. At times, she was very relaxed, and hence, in my opinion, I always felt that Majestic was not faithful to who she was. She made these different marriages and broke up relationships from one day to another.  UNDER

In the technical Celtic knots, broken and reconnected plaits are used repetitively. Furthermore, this approach to sketching and painting is ideal for recalling a part of the model’s roots. However, it is always the case that inspiration comes from within the subjects.

Regarding the emotions in each subject, they could sometimes be passive and others sad. Although there is a formula, breaking the system is exciting, for there is a wide range of creativity. It comes with the mood of the person. I just let their eyes take me in their psychic. The rest contain geometric shapes like triangles, cylinders, and flat planes.

In conclusion, though the shielding mask is our protector and enemy, there is no formula for it but true to ourselves.

Patterns in art



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The Art Assignment


The Art assignment is about portraiture, with two mediums: sculpture and oil painting.

To begin with, this is the first time in ten years I have sculpted. Likewise, This assignment is based on observation. And the object needed a slight turn. In turning, forms into planes.

Further, I recalled it took me three months to complete it. Indeed, it did require physical labor, for the plaster should be applied in even forms, and in the casting step, I broke the ears. Nevertheless, the beauty of art relies upon making mistakes and rebuilding for the better. I sculpted them with a spackle gesso, and we can not even notice it, for it looks natural. 

The Art Assignment

CARLA’S 18″ x 24″ OIL ON CANVAS 2020

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This portrait commission came out of the blue. Therefore, I had to make room in between another portrait. It came out spontaneously gestural. Combining warm, cool colors and softening the texture turned the figure into a splash moment.

Along with the use of space, Carla’s three-quarter view approach was challenging, for measurements must be kept in mind. This is one halfway between the front, and profile pose positions.


I thank Lisie for this commission. I just finished it last week and sent it to Florida. Dogs only last from ten to thirteen years. Followed by the cat is the second most popular pet owned by humans.
Sixty percent of U.S. households, or about eighty-five million families, own a pet in the USA. I’m very sure we all have the experience to share with our best friend’s pet.

To conclude, in the art assignment, I learned to meet deadlines. Taking risks with sculpting and portraiting anatomy and a dog was outrageous. What an experience. At first glance, our sight compensates for what we want to see; we seek clues and build a conclusion. Ultimately, it drives me to create one piece of art after another.

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The Art AssignmentTITLE: BEST FRIEND 16″ x 20″ OIL ON CANVAS 2020


Blog posts

Spring Paintings


Welcome to the spring, ladies, and gentlemen. Let us feel grateful we are passing by halfway through this epidemic that affected us very badly, we are survivors.

Above, this content the painting location is around my house in Long Island. Even more, breezy, I recalled, but it did not stop me from capturing this daylight effect over the leaves. Alongside, the weeping cherry bloomed  for three to four weeks, beginning in April. After flowering, the tree produces a shiny green leaf with serrated edges. In the course of time, the beautiful hue of pink disappears very soon like a dream.

There are times when I render figures with many details. Nonetheless, I leave that to the studio paintings, not when painting outdoors. The beauty relies upon different forms that create a random effect, almost a la prima technique. Very exciting. This is the first time I have published this painting. Even though, the weeping cherry tree video was published four years ago. Indeed, the painting needed to age like wine.



Spring Paintings


SIZE 18″ x 24″ OIL ON CANVAS, 2021

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Likewise, the cherry tree and its flowers last a short time but let me tell you, the fragrance that releases during the brief period is unforgettable. Also, to mention where it came from it will surprise you! It is an American hybrid original from France. It blooms in different shades, and this one, in particular, has shades of white, pink, and purple.

Onward, like most of my artwork, they have no finish. Further, I leave it for routine evaluation, day by day. To sum up, some paintings should be left alone for their spontaneity. Nevertheless, I decided to go as it is. Enjoy the view, thank you.



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