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Roundabout, in the ebb and flow of existence, innocence meets its inevitable end, marking the dawn of a new chapter— a time to grow and revisit the places where you were once left behind. Hence, by embracing the unexpected challenges that lie ahead, emotions burgeon like wildflowers as closeness blooms. A profound sense of liberation sets the mind ablaze when the journey concludes, celebrating the joy of being alive.

As art has taught me, success finds a more straightforward path when fueled by passion. Balancing the pursuit of dreams with the warmth of family demands, energy, and effort. Yet, when love comes knocking again, the circle of life commences, unstoppable and unyielding. Duties and commitments intertwine, and life unfurls with a unique, unpredictable essence. No formula can dictate its course. Continuity requires mutual effort, each supporting the other; the absence of one jeopardizes the harmony of the whole.

The symbols adorning their bodies—born from the essence of the female—embrace the man, who shrouds his face in the veil of darkness. These symbols intertwine, reflecting the intertwining of ideas and perspectives, a harmonious dance of shared experiences.

Ultimately, I stand before the easel, once brimming with creative ideas but now empty of life’s essence to share. The artwork “Roundabout” serves as a poignant reminder of the ever-changing currents of existence.

As we experience this intricate tapestry, we come to cherish our connections, treasuring the joys and trials as they weave together to form the masterpiece of our lives.


“Roundabout” 24″ x 18″ Oil and Mixed Media on Canvas

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Oasis enters a realm where the boundaries of storytelling dissolve in perfect harmony. It’s a sanctuary we all yearn for, an escape from life’s frenetic pace.  

 The stately pines personify the delicate dance between masculine and feminine. Alongside, the energies represent the eternal interplay of Yin and Yang in the natural world.

In addition to delving, I journeyed through diverse patterns, drawing inspiration from Native American, Middle Eastern, and European cultures. These designs defy borders, a testament to our interconnectedness with the Earth. Patterns serve as guides, leading on a journey in full detail at every turn. The forms guard realms, from the wonders to the vast cosmic expanse. Thereafter, the life of nature and human creation. Across ancient cultures, burning pine incense purifies the air, dispelling evil spirits and nightmares.

Enigmatic forms emerge, whispering the secrets of longevity and serenity. Also, Trees symbolize partnership, cooperation, and a sense of calm. Though the figures in the artwork may seem separate, their connection lies in the eternal flow of water. The male and female figure signifies change and renewal in the eternal life cycle.

Symbols transcend the mere picture of physicality. In addition, they encompass a state of mind—an oasis that dwells in inner peace and safeguards our sense of security.

In conclusion, this realm, where seasons merge, symbols entwine, and patterns reveal the study path, shows the beauty that lies within, for art, can unveil the profound in the simplest of moments.


“Oasis” 60″ x 43″ Oil on Canvas, mix Media 2017

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Voices, the serene and melodic whispers that embrace the sandy beaches of Fire Island inspire deep introspection. Summoning contemplation of the souls who have graced these hallowed shores. Within life’s intricate tapestry, we uncover the profound teachings of humility and the avoidance of avarice. Though seemingly straightforward, these lessons often elude us in the respect that cannot be procured through material means; they are earned through a life well-lived, through choices and actions that speak volumes.
Inevitably, we stumble along our paths, yearning for the elusive ability to turn back the hands of time. Rectifying our mistakes with unwavering wisdom. Alas, this learning remains naught but a nostalgic notion. However, while we still traverse the realm of the living, we retain the opportunity to redeem ourselves, mend our ways, and forge a better future. It is all too easy to cast judgment upon those with pure hearts, for we, as a collective, have grown accustomed to the presence of goodness, often taking it for granted. Therefore, it becomes our duty to stand resolute and unwavering in our values and virtues, refusing to allow the insidious voices of doubt and despair to drain our spirits.
Alas, life is not a universal formula, and we must reckon with the consequences of our actions. Moreover, this painting serves as a testament to the frailty of those souls. Who relentlessly seek to drag others into the abyss of their discontent. The victims of their circumstances remain ill-equipped intermediaries, for they depart this world empty-handed in the final act.
Tragically, it has led to the downfall of approximately six hundred and forty vessels.  Ending their journey prematurely upon these very shores.
But, in the face of gales, their voices echo through the air, whispering words of reunion. As the gusts recede, their souls find solace, finding respite within the lighthouse peace.
In short, this creation, aptly titled “Voices,” is a tribute to the legions of souls who have left an indelible imprint upon the Long Island seashore. They navigated the ebb and flow of existence, forever interwoven with the vastness of the boundless ocean.
 “Voices” Size 60″ x 43″ Oil on Canvas 2021
Editor credits: “Muhammad T.”
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