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The Bay


The Bay is located on the north shore of Long Island in Huntington, NY. Beautiful place with many subjects to explore.
To begin with, what caught my attention on this subject? Together with it, there were old chairs and decorations on the handrails. And just behind the bay, In the first instance, there was glimmering like a diamond on the water. And the Bay grabbed me into its past and emerged as a dream. In a long not forgotten time. Suddenly I felt familiar and no longer felt alone. I wanted to catch this moment in the sunlight. Then I found stars in sparkling lines. but withal with the visual effect of recreating light within.
Moreover, painting water can be very tedious and thematic. Pattern, combined in layers, and the hues of the color are its core. With persistence and patience, it is approachable. It is exciting to experience sun-changing reflections. Whereas, to understand how it moves, I used zig-zag lines in repetition. Shapes in movement become uncountable. Indeed, the wind commands in which direction should go. What’s more, waves on the bottom, as they move up to the top, they diminish in size. Nonetheless, Every color around this effect has been lower in luminosity.  T
Furthermore, I mixed raw umber with ultramarine and viridian green. The handrail is in the center. Transparent blue enriches the whole panorama. And by mixing it with turpentine and oil. We can see layers behind the others. Additionally, to create a spark effect I lowered back the blue tonality. Then, I let the sunlight go through the other colors. At long last, sitting out there observing this was revitalizing and energetic. And I have just preserved it in this painting for you to enjoy it. Nature and life in its splendor.

The Bay

The Bay, Size 36″ x 90″ Oil on Canvas 2020

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