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Heat is here, and after a year of hibernation due to COVID-19, we are ready to reclaim our freedom. So enjoy an excellent refreshing view. God bless you all.

To begin with, it is a view from the Lower East Side. Watch it from the Brooklyn Heights Promenade, unique on its own. Summer is red hot by six o’clock. Moreover, there is much value in looking at it. Further, a meaningful gift that we have overcome the day.

Hence, enjoyment relies upon relaxing and enjoying today’s achievements. If not, there will be another time, for every day, the experience is different.

Water is one of the significant elements in the world, and so more often artists will dedicate the entire canvas to it. They usually enhance the scene with boats and trees. Or built ambiance with a sunset sky which is calming and relaxing. In addition, there is a three-minute video about this subject. Below is the link. Enjoy the music waving at the palette. Building layers in hazy tones.  Then there is a classification of color with dark tones. That creates a moody atmosphere on the water.

Alongside, the pure red and orange inspired me to create this subject. Afterward, this view brings back the memory of an abandoned place full of tales.
There are many advantages when using a la prima technique. It is unique in terms of direction; It makes you get off from the realism technique and the challenges that come with the composition.


“At The Pier Sunset” 

12″ x 12″ Oil on canvas, 2017


video Link





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